Ebonie Hyland

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A Few of my Favourite SELF-DEVELOPMENT & SPIRITUAL BOOKS (Currently, as of February 2021!)

These are a few of my favourite books!

I reallllly love books. After much deliberation, and trust me it was a difficult decision, I’ve decided to talk about 8 of my all-time favourite books today! Mostly non-fiction, there’s a real mixture of self-development and spiritual books, and even one that’s a little more… political!

Right now, at the start of 2021, these are my faves, and I’m gonna tell you why I love them so much, and give you an idea about each of them, so you know if you want to read them too!


Hey everyone! Welcome back, or if you’re here for the first time, nice to meet you! My name is Ebonie and this blog (and the YouTube channel) is here to help you reconnect to your intuition, so you can manifest in the real world! If you’re interested in all things self-development and mindset, I hope you’ll enjoy today’s blog post (and/or watch the video), and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel linked above!

Today I want to share with you books that have impacted my life greatly. Every one of these books I could read again and again, and only ever learn more from!

Often you see YouTubers pronouncing that certain books changed their life completely. I would agree, without exaggeration, that all of these books actually did change my life – but I would never presume that any of them could have the same effect on you! Though they might, you never know!

You could read, or hear, the same message over and over again, told from a variety of sources – yet suddenly when you read or hear it in a specific way, from a specific person, at a specific moment in your life, that same message will suddenly click for you.

You could read all of the books I’ll share with you today and they won’t impact you the same way they did for me, ever. We are all bringing our own perspectives and our own set of beliefs, which will determine the result of anything we read, see or hear in our lives.

So, what I’m saying is – don’t feel the need to rush out and buy any of these books, simply because I recommend them. If any of them resonate with you, that’s absolutely wonderful and I definitely encourage you to follow that curiosity!

All the books will be linked below, but don’t cheat and look now! Please watch through to learn more about them – I’ll do my best to keep my summaries and opinions short and sweet!

Please note: the links are Amazon affiliate links, meaning I’ll receive a percentage of any sales made via those links – which really helps me out, at no extra cost to you! So thank you in advance to anyone who supports this channel through the affiliate links!

Though I definitely recommend, first and foremost, for any purchases you make, please look second hand first, and if you have to buy new, choose to shop locally. I believe that any of these books should be found easily at a local bookshop near you, and if they’re out of stock, they should be able to order it in for you.

If you’d like more information on any of these books, I’ll include a more in-depth, though still quite short, review of each title on today’s blog post, linked below! Every video I post here has an accompanying blog post with resources and recommendations, and often extra info too – sometimes even free PDF downloads! So, I’d absolutely love to see you over there on my blog as well, if you’re curious!

Alrightly all that said and done, let’s talk about a few of my favourite books! In no particular order. I couldn’t pick an all-time favourite, ever. It was hard enough to narrow it down to these!

It’s going to be so hard to keep this as short as possible! For those who don’t know, I used to work at a bookshop, and making this video is majorly reminding me of those days, making recommendations for customers! So, if you’re torn between any books or you’re on the hunt for a particular subject, let me know in the comments or message me on Instagram @eboniehyland and I’d be more than happy to help you out! I just love it so much, not gonna lie! 

Get yourself a cuppa, and let’s talk about these awesome books!


Book #1. ‘The Untethered Soul’ by Michael Alan Singer

I decided to start with ‘The Untethered Soul’ because it had such a massive impact on me when I read it, a few years ago. I remember never wanting to put it down! Michael A. Singer explains “how to free yourself from habitual thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns that limit your consciousness.” He writes simply about consciousness and ego, sharing how it can be possible to break free from limitations.

Honestly, words can’t even describe it – you just have to read it for yourself to truly understand what I mean! I’ll be re-reading it soon myself. Even though Singer writes of these immense topics such as consciousness so simply and beautifully, I believe that it’s the kind of book that needs revisiting every once in a while. He explains everything so well, and it’s only a relatively short book, even though he discusses these huge, life-changing ideas. I truly can’t recommend it enough!

As Deepak Chopra states on the front cover, “Read this book carefully and you will get more than a glimpse of eternity.” Honestly, I couldn’t say it better than Chopra!


Book #2. 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz

I’m afraid I don’t have a physical copy here with me as I passed it on before going overseas, so I just have it on my eReader now. I adore this book! I’ve read it twice and flicked through it countless times, and it honestly feels like connecting with an old, very wise friend. Don Miguel Ruiz shares four agreements that we can make with ourselves, believing that if we choose to follow them, we will improve our lives immensely. They may sound simple on a surface level, but there’s so much to be gained from following this advice. I always think that if everyone in the world lived by these four agreements, the world would be a much happier place!

‘The Four Agreements’ is also relatively short and easy to read, though you could easily delve deeper into every idea that Ruiz shares. As many times as I’ve already read it, just thinking about it now, I’d love to read it again! It was one of the first spiritual books I ever read, and I’m curious how I’d view it now, having experienced so much since the last time I picked it up. I have no doubt that it will impact me greatly, time and time again!

I also randomly found this four agreements bookmark online too, which is cool - click here to check it out!

Book #3. ‘Big Magic’ by Elizabeth Gilbert

Again, I gave away my physical copy and just have it on my e-reader now. I’ve also given this book out to friends as presents in the past because it is just SO damn good. Elizabeth Gilbert tells you straight up how it is, with wit and humour. She encourages, motivates, and in some ways, pushes you towards living a creative life. Thinking about it now, I want to re-read it this year too!

Gilbert talks about inspiration, how to embrace your curiosity and how to move beyond fear. I love her way of explaining fear! She shares the attitudes, approaches, and habits that can help us to live creatively. Big Magic is packed with pragmatic, down-to-earth advice for anyone, whether you consider yourself a creative person or not – with a little spirituality sprinkled on top.


Book #4. ‘Women Don’t Owe You Pretty’ by Florence Given

Another funny-at-times book that absolutely packs a punch is ‘Women Don’t Owe You Pretty’ by Florence Given. I felt SEEN by this book. I found myself nodding, eyes wide, sometimes thinking “Hell Yes!” - sometimes wanting to take up boxing to unleash the pent-up frustration and anger I feel when I think of the injustice and craziness of this world, which this book really highlights.

As pretty as it may seem, there’s no sugar on top to sweeten the blow, there’s no glossing over the reality we face, and the systems we need to overturn to make this world a better place for everyone.

Long story short, I cannot recommend this book enough. For everyone! Not just women. Everyone. No matter how uncomfortable parts of it may get for you, it’s an education everyone needs.

It’s witty and well written too, and super relatable! The book itself is so beautifully presented in a full-colour 70s theme, with awesome illustrations throughout by Florence Given. Just like her words, the illustrations don’t hold back! Not that the aesthetics truly matter — this is a book that has had a lasting impact on me, and I seriously encourage you to read it!


Book #5. ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear

I listened to this on Audible, then decided to buy the book so I could look back through it! Nothing beats being able to flick through a book, especially one with so many graphs!

I feel like there’s been a lot of hype around this book, but in my opinion, at least, Atomic Habits lived up to it! This is such a helpful and insightful book. If you want practical advice that will help you start healthy habits and greatly improve your life, this is the book for you. My Dad is currently reading it now, and he’s been enjoying it so far too!

I believe that ‘Atomic Habits’ serves a wide audience, as it talks about human behaviour, discusses studies and gives you actionable advice that you can begin to apply, right away. Anyone who considers themselves more pragmatic and analytical that wants to make any changes in their life might just love this book too!

Book #6. ‘Think Like a Monk’ by Jay Shetty

I also listened to ‘Think Like a Monk’ on Audible, then decided to buy the book! This is the kind of book that you could open to any page and find inspiration there.

I feel like this is a great spiritual book for anyone new to these ideas. Shetty often intertwines pop culture into his explanations and has a great knack for taking ancient, spiritual concepts and bringing them into a modern, practical context that can be applied to enrich your life. It’s well-written and flows beautifully, too.

There’s so much value in the exercises Shetty shares, and so many lessons that we can learn from the ancient texts that he draws from.


Book #7. ‘Siddhartha’ by Hermann Hesse

So, this isn’t non-fiction like the other books that I’m sharing today, but I have to mention it because I enjoyed it so much! It tells the story of Siddhartha, as he ventures through India on a spiritual journey. It is a beautiful tale of discovery that is also beautifully written.

It’s only a short book, and an easy read – though you can dig much deeper, and will no doubt, like me, spend time pondering and learning from the lessons within its pages, long after you’ve finished reading it.


Book #8. ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho

No favourites list of mine could be complete without The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho! Similar to Siddharta, it is a short novel, about a shepherd boy named Santiago, and the journey he takes to the Egyptian pyramids, looking for treasure. Not to give any spoilers, but he discovers so much along the way! Like all of these books, it’s so well written, and there are so many breathtakingly beautiful passages.

I read The Alchemist for the first time many years ago now, and I’ve read it at least twice since. While travelling, we found a copy in a hostel book exchange and I read it again, then passed it on to another for them to enjoy it. My last copy here, I also gave it away to a friend! I have it on my eReader though, if I feel the need to read it again soon.


Now I know that’s already quite a few books, but I have to mention just a couple more!

So, here are a few other recommendations that I’ve recently listened to on Audible:

‘Everything is Figureoutable’ by Marie Forleo

I’ve been watching Marie Forleo’s YouTube channel for years, so I knew I’d love her book! Her life motto that ‘Everything is Figureoutable’ serves as the basis for an inspiring, helpful book that reminds you that so much is possible - and that you are far more capable of achieving your goals than you might realise! This book is packed to the brim with guidance, stories, and actionable advice, that will leave you feeling super motivated to go after the life that you want!

If you haven’t watched Marie Forleo’s YouTube channel, check it out here. It’s so good!


‘Super Attractor’ by Gabrielle Bernstein

This is such a beautiful, spiritual book that guides you through the process of attracting what you want into your life. Gabrielle shares her methods for manifesting and her belief that you can become a super attractor too. If you want to explore the spiritual side of manifesting, ‘Super Attractor’ is a wonderful place to start!


‘You are a Badass’ by Jen Sincero

‘You are a Badass’ is the the kind of self-help book that will make you laugh and tell it to you straight. Jen Sincero introduces somewhat spiritual concepts in a very down to earth, no-nonsense way. The chapters are short and snappy, she shares stories along the way and she drops the occasional swear word, making it one of the most entertaining self-help books I’ve ever read. (Or listened to on audible, technically, but you know what I mean!)


‘Discover your Dharma’ by Sahara Rose

Finally, the last book I want to tell you about today is ‘Discover your Dharma’ by Sahara Rose - even though I’m still reading it! I’m about halfway through now, and it’s so good! I feel like it’s going to make it to the favourites pile, but I guess I should finish it first before I know for sure! I can share more about it in the future though if you like, let me know if you’d read or watch a review on it!


So, now I’d love to know – what are your favourite books? Do you have an all-time favourite or are you like me and couldn’t possibly choose? Have you ever felt as though a book has changed your life?

If you’d like to learn more about these beautiful books, scroll down to the resources and recommendations section below! Also, while you’re here on the blog, you can also sign up for my weekly newsletter that I send out every Monday morning, as I share what I’m currently reading there if you’re curious to keep updated! It’s entirely free, and so much fun!

 As always, please let me know in the comments, if you have any questions or requests, or find me over on Instagram @eboniehyland, I’d love to see you there too!

I truly hope you found today’s blog post and video helpful, and if you haven’t already, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my YouTube channel! I post a new video every Thursday, all about self-development, spirituality, manifesting, the Law of Attraction, and divination. If that’s something you’re curious to learn more about, be sure to ring the little bell too so that you’re notified when I post a new video!

Thank you so much for being here today, and I can’t wait to see you here again next week!

So much love,

Ebonie xx

Resources and Recommendations

‘The Untethered Soul’ by Michael Alan Singer. Available from Amazon.

'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz. Available from Amazon.

‘Big Magic’ by Elizabeth Gilbert. Available from Amazon.

‘Women Don’t Owe You Pretty’ by Florence Given. Available from Amazon.

‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear. Available from Amazon.

‘Think Like a Monk’ by Jay Shetty. Available from Amazon.

‘Siddhartha’ by Hermann Hesse. Available from Amazon.

‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho. Available from Amazon.

‘Everything is Figureoutable’ by Marie Forleo. Available from Amazon.

‘Super Attractor’ by Gabrielle Bernstein. Available from Amazon.

‘You are a Badass’ by Jen Sincero. Available from Amazon.

‘Discover your Dharma’ by Sahara Rose. Available from Amazon.

*Disclaimer: Please note that any recommended products from Amazon may be affiliate links. If any purchases are made through these links, I may receive a small commission - at no extra cost to you. Thank you so much for your support!