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The Benefits of Tarot Card Reading | WHY You Should Learn How To Read Tarot Cards

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the blog - or if you’re just meeting me for the first time, hi! My name is Ebonie, and this blog (and YouTube channel) is here to help you reconnect to your intuition, so you can manifest the most magical life you could dream of – in the real world! If that sounds like something that you’re curious about, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to the channel, and the weekly newsletter!

Today’s post is a little different from what I’ve done lately – I just felt like mixing it up this week! I’ll definitely be continuing my series, ‘Manifesting in the Real World’ – there are so many episodes to come, all about the law of attraction and how to manifest what you want. So, stay tuned for more episodes in the series coming soon!

Today though, I felt like focusing on reading Tarot cards, and how beneficial they can be! If you’ve just started learning Tarot or you’re totally new to the practice and wondering what all the hype is about, I hope this video helps you understand why learning how to read Tarot cards is absolutely worth your time.

I’ve recently started taking commissions for readings through Ko-fi which is super exciting! So, if you’d like me to do a reading for you, find out more through the links below in the description. I’ll talk more about all of that soon, but firstly, here are three ways that Tarot can benefit you!

Get yourself a cuppa, and we’ll get straight into it!



Benefit #1. Tarot Provides Guidance

If you’re confused about a situation, you can rely on your Tarot cards to give you suggestions and advice. If you have a question, Tarot will guide you to an answer. 

Even if you’re still learning Tarot and referencing a guidebook every time, you can still gain so much clarity and insight into any situation.

Tarot can offer a different perspective, and it can point you in a new direction. It may encourage you to take action, or it might suggest slowing down. Every card in the typical Rider Waite-Smith system represents different aspects of life, and each lends its own unique take on any question or situation you’d like guidance on. How you interpret the cards may also depend on the frame of mind you’re in – and on what you need to focus on, or listen to, the most.

You don’t have to believe in any higher powers, it doesn’t have to be a profoundly spiritual experience. Though give it time, and you’ll likely become more drawn to the spiritual side as you continue to draw eerily accurate cards. But even when it’s so precise you’re wondering how it could possibly hit home so much, you can still read the cards as your subconscious mind or your inner guide, at play.

Which leads nicely into my next point…


Benefit #2. Tarot Helps You to Reconnect to Your Intuition 

Learning Tarot was a gateway for me to reconnect to my intuition. There are many ways to listen to your intuition and learn to trust what you hear – from meditation to journaling – but in my opinion, learning tarot is such an amazing and fun method!

Drawing tarot cards can be a serious business, but it’s undeniably enjoyable, too. Even if the cards are brutally honest at times, more often than not, my reaction is more of a lightbulb moment, rather than one of shock and horror.

If you want a way to reconnect to your intuition, starting with Tarot actually combines many other methods that are worth knowing and practicing.

  • You can keep a journal and write about the cards that you draw.

  • You can sit in meditation for a moment, before and/or after your Tarot reading session.

  • You can visualize on the cards you draw and how you want to see them manifest in your life (essentially like daydreaming, but better).

If I’m struggling to meditate or journal, or if I’m feeling disconnected from my intuition, I know that as soon as I start reading Tarot cards, I will be able to shift my mindset. While reading Tarot, I feel so much more open and receptive to my intuition. As soon as I start drawing Tarot cards, I find it easier to reconnect and raise my vibration, and to start thinking from a positive state of mind. This is a crucial aspect to the Law of Attraction, to be able to manifest what you want into your life.

A side benefit to this is that reading Tarot forces you to slow down, to have patience, and trust the process. It takes time to learn the cards, it is an ongoing practice, and the more you do it, the more you’ll start to build your own associations with the cards. You’ll learn how to read intuitively and rely less on the guidebooks.

As you practice tarot, you are building your intuitive skills. Your ability to listen to and trust your intuition will have far-reaching impacts on your life. Beyond learning the cards, you will be learning more about yourself. You will be figuring out what you want, what will make you happy, and how to best react, take action and move forward, every day.


Benefit #3. Tarot Can Help You to Help Others

The final awesome benefit to reading Tarot that I want to talk about today — is how it can help you to help others.

If you are in a better frame of mind, how you treat others, and approach situations will be more positive. If you are connected to your intuition, you will be able to understand what you want and gain clarity on how to progress with your goals. If you are living a life of abundance and joy, everyone in your life will benefit.

If you read tarot for others, you will be able to provide them with guidance, too. You will help them to reconnect to their own intuitions, to help them progress in their lives. Tarot will provide them with a new perspective and guide them, as we spoke about in the first point. As a reader for others, you will open their eyes to all of these benefits of tarot!



If you’re unsure where to start with learning how to read Tarot cards, check out the recommendations and resources section below for so much more information! It’s a list of all my favourite books, decks and helpful videos. I hope it helps point you in the right direction!

If you’re curious about how I love to do my Charmed Tarot readings, using different charms, oracle cards and rune stones alongside Tarot, check out my Ko-fi page here: https://ko-fi.com/eboniehyland

Right now, a one card Charmed Tarot reading is $11 – but it’s no standard one card reading. I love casting rune stones, charms, chakras, and more — I’ll often add an oracle card into the mix too!

Every reading is super unique and fun, while still being insightful and providing you with actionable advice as well, such as journaling prompts you can do.

You may also want to consider joining my weekly newsletter, where I send out free Charmed Tarot readings direct to your inbox every week! To sign up, scroll to the bottom of this page and you’ll see the form. So, if you’d like to know how I love doing Tarot readings for others, definitely check that out!

Naturally, Tarot can simply be a one-card draw, and I still do that all the time for myself. Most of my knowledge of the cards came from simply drawing one card a day – I have a video on that you can watch here too if you’re interested!mI will forever be learning how to read Tarot cards. It is a lifelong practice and passion. As I spoke about today, the benefits are well worth dedicating the time to.

Reading Tarot cards is like having a conversation with a close friend. The more you practice, the closer that friend becomes to you, and the more insight and advice they can provide. The more Tarot readings you do for yourself or seek from others, the closer you become to this friend – which is truly your intuition, your inner self.

I am truly so grateful to Tarot. Starting a daily Tarot practice was like walking into a room full of open doors. It was Tarot that lead to reconnecting to my intuition, helping myself and helping others. I know I’ve already said it, but I am seriously stoked to be doing individual Tarot readings for others now!

I hope you give Tarot reading a try for yourself so that you can experience all these wonderful benefits that it can offer you!

Now I’d love to hear from you! Comment below – are you learning how to read Tarot cards? Please share your experiences with Tarot below and share this video with anyone you feel could benefit from it too!

I really hope you enjoyed today’s post and found it helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below too, or find me on Instagram @eboniehyland. I’d love to see you over there! As always, if you’d like to learn more see the Resources and Recommendations linked below!

Thank you so much for being here today! I can’t wait to see you next week.

Much love,

Ebonie xx

*Disclaimer: Please note that any recommended products from Amazon may be affiliate links. If any purchases are made through these links, I may receive a small commission - at no extra cost to you. Thank you so much for your support!